1. Mourning Palace
2. Spellbound (By the Devil)
3. In Death’s Embrace
4. Relinquishment Of Spirit and Flesh
5. The Night Masquerade
6. Tormentor of Christian Souls
7. Entrance
8. Master of Disharmony
9. Prudence’s Fall
10. A succubus in Rapture
11. Raabiorn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde
12. Drum Solo
13. Vredesbyrd
14. Kings Of the Carnival Creation
15. Dimmu Borgir
16. Ritualist
17. Gateways
18. Puritania
19. The Serpertine Offering
20. Progenies of the Great Apocalypse
21. Perfection or Vanity
Dimmu Borgir – Santiago Chile 2012 DVD